Construction management and start up and internationalisation of companies.

 5Currently, the reinforcement of our brands is proving successful, as they are gaining strength through the agreements and sales completed, and are also locally represented in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Portugal, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Mexico and Central Europe,among others.

Draft tenders and construction management


 Within its activity for the national market, WAETIC produces draft tenders for the construction of WWTPs. These tenders may be solo projects or temporary joint ventures, depending on the volume or the commercial location of the work zone and the percentages allocated. 
WAETIC generally takes care of producing draft tenders and in some cases, depending on the work load, it collaborates closely with third parties, supervising and managing all the aspects of the project, from the process, civil works, and the electromechanical part which is the company’s strong point, and the technology included in the project.

Information and communications technology


In a bid to increase and unify all this activity within our market and make it more productive, not only on an internal level but also with regards the supplier-customer communication, our specific ICT Department (Information and Communications Technology) was set up. This led to the creation of our own ICTs, TuCloud, HopERP and Proffer that are tools designed to facilitate document storage and communication between the different departments of our market and projects, as well as making it easier to produce quotes so we can provide them more quickly and customers do not have so long to wait for a reply.

Manufactoring Electromechanical Equipments


From our Technical and commercial department all needs are studied primarily in the field of water treatment for the development of technology and equipment. The engineering for this technologies is developed and supplied under our trade marcs WAETIC, A unique feature of our offering is tehe ability to provide customers with the supply and assistance of engineering details necesasary for the production of such equipment in situ. Thanks to the experience accumulated since 1968 WAETIC offers technical consulting services for managing the implementation and monitoring and monitoring of electromechanical equipment. This ensure that the quality and performance of our  selection are the most suitable to each particular case.